RF and Microwave Components


射频和微波设备涵盖了广阔的无线领域 communication.  任何能在射频和微波频率下工作的元件, 即使没有明确地发送或接收无线数据, is considered an RF or microwave device.  Due to the wide range of usability, 射频和微波韦德平台可以在许多不同的行业和许多不同的设备中找到.

VRG Components®可以采购任何难以找到的电子零件-供应短缺(分配), end of life, or have long lead times – especially RF and microwave components.  我们通过利用我们广泛的精心审查的网络来做到这一点, 可靠的供应商为您提供合适的韦德平台,以满足您的需求.

Our goal is to supply hard-to-find, 高品质的电子元件,最大限度地提高客户的生产工艺.  拥有从500多家领先制造商采购韦德平台的能力, 我们可以确保您的项目所需的射频和微波韦德平台.

Find your electronic components Looking for hard-to-find RF and microwave components? Use the parts finder or contact us.

RF and Microwave Applications

RF and microwave components are used in many devices.  Often these are building blocks for a larger system.  例如,衰减器用于降低输入功率.  Mixers multiply the signal inputs.  射频放大器在窄带频率范围内增加功率.  射频二极管可用于包络检测或可作为低质量混频器.

射频和微波韦德平台由使用蓝牙和GPS的系统实现.  These complex devices integrate the RF front end, base/basic band processing/filtering, 整个系统的实现需要数字后端.  For example, 一个无线局域网韦德平台有几十个基本的射频韦德平台,比如混频器, tuners and amplifying transistors.

Tailored Support

VRG Components的采购专家专注于满足您的特定行业需求,这是我们全面全球服务的起点.  我们的全球团队紧跟不断变化的行业要求,并在采购方面遵守这些要求.  You have the support of our dedicated experts.

No matter your need, we are here for you.

RF and Microwave Components Manufacturers

VRG Components自豪地为主要射频和微波元件制造商提供可靠的电子元件,例如:

Analog Devices      Microchip       NXP      Silicon Labs      Texas Instruments

Analog Devices logo

Analog Devices

Analog Devices是一家美国跨国半导体公司,专门从事数据转换, signal processing and power management technology.

Microchip logo


Microchip offers microcontrollers, Serial EEPROM and SRAM devices, embedded security devices, radio frequency (RF) devices, thermal, power and battery management analog devices, as well as linear, interface and wireless solutions.

NXP logo


恩智浦半导体是韦德平台嵌入式应用安全连接解决方案的全球领导者, industrial & IoT, mobile, and communication infrastructure markets.

Silicon Labs logo

Silicon Labs

Silicon Labs无线解决方案包括最广泛的蓝牙韦德平台组合, Wi-Fi, Zigbee, Thread, Z-Wave and Sub-GHz RF ICs, modules and software.

Texas Instruments

Texas Instruments

德州仪器是一家设计和制造半导体和各种集成电路的美国科技公司, 它卖给全球电子韦德平台设计师和制造商的韦德平台是什么.

RF and Microwave Components Part Finder

为了方便在庞大的电子元件库存中进行搜索, VRG Components has developed a part finder.  输入零件或韦德平台编号并浏览我们的整个库存.  一旦你找到了你正在寻找的韦德平台,你就可以要求一个适合你需要的报价.  我们的销售团队将与您韦德注册平台,为您定制难以找到的部件的报价.

FIND YOUR ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS Looking for hard-to-find RF and microwave components? Use the parts finder or contact us.

RF Microwave Applications


  • RF Couplers
  • Add & Remove DC:  DC Blocks
  • Diodes:  RF Diodes
  • Evaluation, Development Boards & Kits:  RF/Wireless Development Boards & Kits
  • GPS:  GPS Receivers
  • Isolator & Circulator:  RF Isolator & Circulators
  • RF ICs:  Mod & Demod, Prescalers, RF Detector, RF Duplexers, RF Front End, RF Switches, RF Transceivers, Tuners, Up-Down Converter & Mixers
  • RF Identification:  NFC/RFID Reader & Writers, NFC/RFID Tag & Transponders
  • RF Modules:  802.11 Wireless LAN Modules, 802.15.4 LR-WPAN,蓝牙,无线组合模块,射频组合器 & Dividers, RF Multiplexers, RF Multipliers
  • Other RF:  Antennas, Phase Shifters

Other Components




Close up of optoelectronic components in a pile


光电器件在电信号和光信号之间来回转换. Due to the prevalence of CMOS devices, 模拟信号和数字信号都很容易以电子形式处理和存储.


Programmable Devices

可编程器件是包含可配置逻辑电路的芯片. These include Field Programmable Logic Devices (FPGAs), 复杂可编程逻辑器件(cpld)和可编程逻辑器件(pld), PLAs, PALs, GALs).

VRG Components is Your Ideal Partner

我们的客户经常承受着快速找到库存的压力.  部件必须符合质量标准并按时到达.

全球客户选择VRG Components是因为我们有能力确保他们所需的韦德平台, the speed at which we can deliver, our reliability, quality, and our ongoing customer support.  换句话说,VRG是可以让您安心的重要供应链合作伙伴.

  • Unsurpassed global supply chain
  • Get a quote quickly
  • Quality focused & AS9120B / ISO 9001: 2015 certified
  • Highest quality components
  • Competitive pricing
  • Flexible payment terms

VRG Components is AS9120B / ISO 9001: 2015 certified.  我们的质量管理体系包含严格的质量准则和严格的防伪措施,因此您可以信赖我们提供的电子部件的质量.  通过韦德注册平台VRG Components获得您所需的一切,以满足您的电子部件需求.

我们专注于快速提供高质量的电子元件,包括射频和微波元件.  我们的采购团队之所以能够做到这一点,是因为我们与精心挑选的供应商建立了广泛的全球韦德注册平台.


RF and Microwave Components


RF and Microwave Applications


Years of Experience

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Fire and Security

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